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Class com.jhlabs.image.ImageMath
- public class ImageMath
- extends java.lang.Object
A class containing static math methods useful for image processing.
bias(double, double)
- Apply a bias to a number in the unit interval, moving numbers towards 0 or 1
according to the bias parameter.
bilinearInterpolate(double, double, int[])
- Bilinear interpolation of ARGB values.
- Return the NTSC gray level of an RGB value.
- A "circle down" function.
- A "circle up" function.
clamp(double, double, double)
- Clamp a value to an interval.
clamp(int, int, int)
- Clamp a value to an interval.
colorSpline(double, int, int[])
- Compute a Catmull-Rom spline for RGB values.
colorSpline(int, int, int[], int[])
- Compute a Catmull-Rom spline for RGB values, but with variable knot spacing.
gain(double, double)
- A variant of the gamma function.
lerp(double, double, double)
- Linear interpolation.
lerp(double, int, int)
- Linear interpolation.
mixColors(double, int, int)
- Linear interpolation of ARGB values.
mod(double, double)
- Return a mod b.
mod(int, int)
- Return a mod b.
pulse(double, double, double)
- The pulse function.
resample(int[], int[], int, int, int, float[])
- An implementation of Fant's resampling algorithm.
smoothPulse(double, double, double, double, double)
- A smoothed pulse function.
smoothStep(double, double, double)
- A smoothed step function.
spline(double, int, double[])
- Compute a Catmull-Rom spline.
spline(double, int, int[], int[])
- Compute a Catmull-Rom spline, but with variable knot spacing.
step(double, double)
- The step function.
- The triangle function.
public ImageMath()
public static double bias(double a,
double b)
- Apply a bias to a number in the unit interval, moving numbers towards 0 or 1
according to the bias parameter.
- Parameters:
- a - the number to bias
- b - the bias parameter. 0.5 means no change, smaller values bias towards 0, larger towards 1.
- Returns:
- the output value
public static double gain(double a,
double b)
- A variant of the gamma function.
- Parameters:
- a - the number to apply gain to
- b - the gain parameter. 0.5 means no change, smaller values reduce gain, larger values increase gain.
- Returns:
- the output value
public static double step(double a,
double x)
- The step function. Returns 0 below a threshold, 1 above.
- Parameters:
- a - the threshold position
- x - the input parameter
- Returns:
- the output value - 0 or 1
public static double pulse(double a,
double b,
double x)
- The pulse function. Returns 1 between two thresholds, 0 outside.
- Parameters:
- a - the lower threshold position
- b - the upper threshold position
- x - the input parameter
- Returns:
- the output value - 0 or 1
public static double smoothPulse(double a1,
double a2,
double b1,
double b2,
double x)
- A smoothed pulse function. A cubic function is used to smooth the step between two thresholds.
- Parameters:
- a1 - the lower threshold position for the start of the pulse
- a2 - the upper threshold position for the start of the pulse
- b1 - the lower threshold position for the end of the pulse
- b2 - the upper threshold position for the end of the pulse
- x - the input parameter
- Returns:
- the output value
public static double smoothStep(double a,
double b,
double x)
- A smoothed step function. A cubic function is used to smooth the step between two thresholds.
- Parameters:
- a - the lower threshold position
- b - the upper threshold position
- x - the input parameter
- Returns:
- the output value
public static double circleUp(double x)
- A "circle up" function. Returns y on a unit circle given 1-x. Useful for forming bevels.
- Parameters:
- x - the input parameter in the range 0..1
- Returns:
- the output value
public static double circleDown(double x)
- A "circle down" function. Returns 1-y on a unit circle given x. Useful for forming bevels.
- Parameters:
- x - the input parameter in the range 0..1
- Returns:
- the output value
public static double clamp(double x,
double a,
double b)
- Clamp a value to an interval.
- Parameters:
- a - the lower clamp threshold
- b - the upper clamp threshold
- x - the input parameter
- Returns:
- the clamped value
public static int clamp(int x,
int a,
int b)
- Clamp a value to an interval.
- Parameters:
- a - the lower clamp threshold
- b - the upper clamp threshold
- x - the input parameter
- Returns:
- the clamped value
public static double mod(double a,
double b)
- Return a mod b. This differs from the % operator with respect to negative numbers.
- Parameters:
- a - the dividend
- b - the divisor
- Returns:
- a mod b
public static int mod(int a,
int b)
- Return a mod b. This differs from the % operator with respect to negative numbers.
- Parameters:
- a - the dividend
- b - the divisor
- Returns:
- a mod b
public static double triangle(double x)
- The triangle function. Returns a repeating triangle shape in the range 0..1 with wavelength 1.0
- Parameters:
- x - the input parameter
- Returns:
- the output value
public static double lerp(double t,
double a,
double b)
- Linear interpolation.
- Parameters:
- t - the interpolation parameter
- a - the lower interpolation range
- b - the upper interpolation range
- Returns:
- the interpolated value
public static int lerp(double t,
int a,
int b)
- Linear interpolation.
- Parameters:
- t - the interpolation parameter
- a - the lower interpolation range
- b - the upper interpolation range
- Returns:
- the interpolated value
public static int mixColors(double t,
int rgb1,
int rgb2)
- Linear interpolation of ARGB values.
- Parameters:
- t - the interpolation parameter
- rgb1 - the lower interpolation range
- rgb2 - the upper interpolation range
- Returns:
- the interpolated value
public static int bilinearInterpolate(double x,
double y,
int p[])
- Bilinear interpolation of ARGB values.
- Parameters:
- x - the X interpolation parameter 0..1
- y - the y interpolation parameter 0..1
- rgb - array of four ARGB values in the order NW, NE, SW, SE
- Returns:
- the interpolated value
public static int brightnessNTSC(int rgb)
- Return the NTSC gray level of an RGB value.
- Parameters:
- rgb1 - the input pixel
- Returns:
- the gray level (0-255)
public static double spline(double x,
int numKnots,
double knots[])
- Compute a Catmull-Rom spline.
- Parameters:
- x - the input parameter
- numKnots - the number of knots in the spline
- knots - the array of knots
- Returns:
- the spline value
public static double spline(double x,
int numKnots,
int xknots[],
int yknots[])
- Compute a Catmull-Rom spline, but with variable knot spacing.
- Parameters:
- x - the input parameter
- numKnots - the number of knots in the spline
- xknots - the array of knot x values
- yknots - the array of knot y values
- Returns:
- the spline value
public static int colorSpline(double x,
int numKnots,
int knots[])
- Compute a Catmull-Rom spline for RGB values.
- Parameters:
- x - the input parameter
- numKnots - the number of knots in the spline
- knots - the array of knots
- Returns:
- the spline value
public static int colorSpline(int x,
int numKnots,
int xknots[],
int yknots[])
- Compute a Catmull-Rom spline for RGB values, but with variable knot spacing.
- Parameters:
- x - the input parameter
- numKnots - the number of knots in the spline
- xknots - the array of knot x values
- yknots - the array of knot y values
- Returns:
- the spline value
public static void resample(int source[],
int dest[],
int length,
int offset,
int stride,
float out[])
- An implementation of Fant's resampling algorithm.
- Parameters:
- source - the source pixels
- dest - the destination pixels
- length - the length of the scanline to resample
- offset - the start offset into the arrays
- stride - the offset between pixels in consecutive rows
- out - an array of output positions for each pixel
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